Empowering Wellness through Naturopathy & Nutrition

Embrace the journey towards a healthier you. Whether you are embarking on a new wellness routine or seeking balance in your life, my holistic approach focuses on your well-being from within. Let's nourish your mind, body, and soul together.

Your path to holistic health begins here.

Initial Consultation - 90 minutes

  • In our comprehensive 90-minute initial consultation, we will delve into a thorough case history of your presenting complaint, exploring your diet, relevant body systems, family medical history, and personal medical background to identify the underlying root cause.

    We'll also discuss your goals, expectations of me as your practitioner, and how we can work effectively together to achieve optimal results.

    At the end of the consultation, we will discuss your treatment options and decide on a plan of action together.

    If necessary, I may recommend additional tests, and you will receive a treatment plan via email within 24-48 hours. The treatment plan will outline your goals, provide dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and include any relevant supplementation suggestions and tailored herbal medicine.

    I will only recommend herbal medicine or supplements when deemed essential. My primary focus is on educating and helping you establish the fundamental pillars of a healthy lifestyle.

  • $180

Acute Consultation - 30 minutes

  • Acute consultations, are tailored to address immediate health issues such as colds/flus, stress, urinary tract infections, and minor injuries.

    These sessions are ideal for addressing acute conditions, prescription refills and creating bespoke herbal mixtures without the need for a comprehensive consultation.

    Please allow up to 30 minutes.

  • $65

Extended Follow Up Consultation - 60 minutes

  • This extended follow-up appointment is an in-depth review and treatment planning session. Typically scheduled 2-3 weeks after your initial consultation. This 60-minute session is designed for clients who have completed functional testing following our initial consultation. We’ll take the extra time to thoroughly analyse your holistic pathology report and discuss detailed treatment protocols to guide your journey to better health.

    This is an opportunity for you to ask questions, address any challenges you've encountered, and receive adjustments to your treatment, dietary, and lifestyle recommendations.

    Within 24-48 hours you'll receive an updated individualised treatment plan via email, focusing your progress, with updated recommendations, and any necessary herbal medicine or supplementation adjustments.

  • $130

Ongoing Follow Up Consultations - 45 minutes

  • Your follow-up appointment, typically scheduled 2-3 weeks after your initial consultation, is designed to track your progress and refine your treatment plan.

    This is your time to continue our collaborative work towards achieving your optimal health. fine-tune your treatment plan based on your feedback and test results.

    After the initial follow these appointments may be recommended every 4-6 weeks to monitor your progress, make adjustments to your treatment plan, and provide support. As your health improves, the frequency of these consultations can be spaced further apart.

    After each follow up you will receive an updated individualised treatment plan via email with 24-48 hours.

    Please allow up to 45 minutes.

  • $110

Free Discovery Call - 15 minutes

  • Experience a complimentary introductory phone call providing invaluable insights into the benefits of naturopathy tailored to you. During this conversation, Aleisha will not only answer any initial questions you have but also offer a thorough explanation of how naturopathy can enhance your well-being.

    Seize this opportunity to gain clarity and explore the boundless possibilities naturopathy offers for your health journey.

  • Free

Please note the price does not include customised herbal tonics or supplements. You may wish to allow a budget of $100-$200 for this. But know, I will only recommend herbal medicine or supplements when deemed essential. My primary focus is on educating and helping you establish the fundamental pillars of a healthy lifestyle.